24 Hours of Reality Watch Party: Herning Bibliotek

On December 3-4, Climate Reality™ and former US Vice President Al Gore are presenting the global broadcast event “24 Hours of Reality: Protect Our Planet, Protect Ourselves.”

We will watch an hour of the broadcast, “Scandinavia–Showcase for Solutions”, focusing specifically on climate change issues pertaining to the Nordic Region.

The Denmark chapter of the Climate Reality Project™ is hosting this watch party, and we hope to see you there!

3:30-4:00: Introduction and Presentation of The Climate Reality Project.
4:00-5:00: Global live broadcast of “Scandinavia–Showcase for Solutions” with Al Gore

5:00-5:30: Discussion and Q&A


Sign up for the Watch Party on our Facebook Event Page!
D. 3.-4. december præsenterer Climate Reality™ og den tidligere amerikanske vicepræsident, Al Gore, en global udsendelse kaldet “24 Hours of Reality: Protect Our Planet, Protect Ourselves.”Vi vil vise en time af udsendelsen med temaet: “Scandinavia–Showcase for Solutions”, som fokuserer på de specifikke klimamæssige udfordringer gældende for de Nordiske lande.

Den danske afdeling af Climate Reality Project™ afholder denne fremvisning på Herning Bibliotekerne og håber meget at se dig der!

Tidsplanen for eventet ser således ud:
15.30: Introduktion og præsentation af Climate Reality Project
16.00 – 17.00: Fremvisning af “Scandinavia–Showcase for Solutions” broadcast, med Al Gore
17.00 – 17.30: Diskussion og tid til spørgsmål

OBS! Dette event bliver afholdt på engelsk.

Presented by Climate Leaders Nikolaj Lysholdt and Zachary Marx.