A Hotline for the Environment If there was a hotline for the environment, someone should call in immediately cause there’s a planetary emergency that needs urgent care, and that emergency is plastic floating around in our oceans. This article will…
Category: Denmark and Scandinavia
The Unexpected Cost of Climate Change
We tend to think of climate change as a long-term and linear problem. Temperature slowly rising along with sea levels, weather events getting slowly worse, glaciers slowly melting, crop yields slowly getting worse, tropical diseases slowly spreading farther and farther,…
Hjælp, min julegæst er vegetar!
Nu nærmer den søde juletid sig, og de danske kogekoner (og kogemænd) danser ud i køkkenet og fyrer op for kødgryderne. Flæskesteg, andebryst, sylte, medister og sild i stride strømme. Intet skal der mangle. Men hov, vent. Hvad er nu…